Monday, December 12, 2011

Ho chi minh city Vietnam scattered away

The very popular Ho chi minh city Vietnam away. Early sticky, sticky afternoon, always flung at consumers. Saigon town has a street away and still sells many items away "special" hard to find elsewhere.Saigon away can be divided into two types of sticky sweet and salty. Sweet sticky rice is still the most popular Gac, sticky cam (also called purple sticky rice), sticky than glutinous, sticky bean, durian sticky, sticky you. Each type has flung adding the non-fat issue, to include or private road.
For example, eating sticky bean spreads always add a slice of green bean puree yellow nursery, add a little coconut fiber small cells, followed by a little sprinkle granulated sugar surgery.Cam is a sticky sticky purple faithful. Eat more fat to have flung the purple and the new non-right position. It is often smothered in grease and the non-issue when eating salty, but privately some sweet dishes like sticky cam to be accompanied by these two new delicious.

ho chi minh city vietnam xoi
How this actually only feed popular in Ho chi minh city Vietnam because eating food without water seemed to have more fat fat fat the new administration.The sticky rice dish originating from the north as sticky nuggets, sticky gấc institutional differences also located on the stalls around the roads of Saigon. On to the South, the flavor of the dish away more or less changed. It is still sticky with scented rice, is another affordable taste sweeter taste of the South.Pure sweet Southern corn is not to mention sticky. Corn Corn is fine, stew with coconut milk, forming a half away half a soup dish.Corn finished basement explosion very soft, even slightly wet, fresh white, green beans sprinkled extra beat until smooth, then add little grated coconut, sesame salt. Fresh medium fat intake but not sick again just delicious.

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Ho chi minh city sweet, as the name of it, mingled with the sweet aroma of sticky plastic, fat fat, coconut, green bean paste and grease the pan, add little to the non-aromatic fragrance to create a crispy crunchy flavor but familiar.There is also a very special sweet dishes, but not common in sweet dishes such as the aforementioned dishes away as chicle. Siamese away originating from Thailand. Siam is the synthesis away from the raw material from Thailand, sticky rice, coconut, durian, jaggery ...The Siamese processing Xoi straightforward but requires experience and skill. Sticky rice steamed to ripe, supple, not hard nor paste, sauce sweet flesh but not fat, fragrant cool. In Saigon away Siamese are usually sold in Chinatown (District 5). Not to mention salt away the sticky chicken, sticky rice sausage, egg, pork, sticky ball, pa numb ... Often people will leave sticky chicken aside, and away with sausage, rolls, egg, pa cells will aggregate called salt away.
The items above are common components plasticity cooked glutinous sticky rice is fragrant, the fat fat fat with chopped onion, green nursery intact despite the layer of hot oil, add little to the non-aromatic crispy. Depending on the needs and tastes with dishes selected as dried shrimp, shrimp fried dough, sausage, egg ...As for the chickens away, there are ways to enjoy. The most common is shredded chicken away, just the delicious convenience, there is a need for quick response, convenience of the city. Where busy people like that are made available.

Chicken pieces are torn into little sticky, not eating the hand torn chicken, just enjoy the delicious food brought. Chicken with shredded chicken can be cooked thoroughly in fresh water for each muscles, can also be fried chicken, have opted to place the grilled chicken.Saigon often sold away in the morning or evening. Morning, the goods would gather at the gate flung schools, or sold by the roadside. Before each also has at least one row away that burden on the pavement the size route also indispensable burden away.Sticky afternoon, not to mention the beginning of Cao Thang street to the intersection of Dien Bien Phu. Vehicles which are investment vehicles carefully, to three or four pulses of high flung, smoke rooms untouched. Mostly sweet with enough eye-catching colors. Just drive through, listening to disperse scent in the air is hard to hold back that goes to heart. Each package is priced from away here VND5000 to 10,000 VND.

Suong Nguyet Anh corner intersects the August Revolution also has a load of sticky chicken, sticky rice is very tasty corn sold only in the afternoon. Burden of sticky rice was approximately twenty years.Through the ups and downs at the same time, the son of her identity a sales go well with less, but still delicious flavor pack away as youth does. Away in 7000 only the one package, it is wrapped in banana leaves rather than packages of paper balls as elsewhere.Ho chi minh city Vietnam restaurant also has a tingle hours away from past to present is located in Bui Thi Xuan street. It was named the best restaurant Saigon away with sticky chicken dish, chicken heart and flung away gấc reputation. Flung here is the moderate expansion, the flexible aromatic.Gac sticky sweet bar to cool naturally scented. People come here to eat a certain time will be Monday, Tuesday. Small but consistent with a large staff, the enthusiasm, even to eat or did not take long to wait.Cultural diversity in Saigon flung it so. Sticky rice is always a delicious dish, just has no bread, much less convenient. The Ho chi minh city - minded, receptive and sticky bugs. Burden away as a result of becoming rich, varied much. From a small rustic dishes away somewhat portrayed so distinct culture of the people choose the wrong City.

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